Tuesday, November 20, 2012

0 3 GF Questions to ask your Thanksgiving Host

Going in conjunction with my post from a few days ago about how to host a gluten free Thanksgiving, here are 5 helpful questions you can ask as a guest to start the conversation to ensure a gluten free meal.

  1. What dishes are you planning on making? This seems like quite the simple question, but it not only starts the dialogue, but gives you a good idea of what you can recommend to make a Thanksgiving meal gluten free.
  2. What side dishes can I bring? Sometimes, bringing a dish you've cooked can ensure one of the sides is gluten free.
  3. Are there any ingredients I can bring? I find for things such as pies or breads, it's easy to bring gluten free ingredients such as the flour or graham cracker crumbs. It can really help out the host if they are unfamiliar with purchasing gluten free items.
I hope you find these questions as useful brainstorming ideas for the upcoming holiday!

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